How to “Map” Market
Hi there! Carol here! I love designing for Real Estate Agents like I love a wonderful Pinot Noir in the fall with a blanket in the backyard by my plants and warm terracotta chiminea while reading books with my husband & kids. No seriously, THAT MUCH. I do! I LOVE IT! I wanted to show you all these designs below that were so much fun for me. They were done for a client in California. We designed three city maps with an infographic on the back for each city to give his clients a little info on each of the spots. We first came up with a color scheme, then graphics that matched then his vintage yet modern map theme.
People ask me, what do you put on your Marketing Map? Every map is different and unique for YOU however take a look at this example below to see if this is a fit for you! I like to put your likes along with city favorites, so clients can get to know you as well as the favs.
Color Schemes
Each map have their own color scheme which made them more unique and a little different from the other! They can be branded to your branding or a color scheme to match your social media.